展覧会名|ヴェネチアビエンナーレ2023 国際建築展関連企画 'Time Space Existence'
所在地 |ヴェネチア,イタリア
施工 |Europe Cultural Center
竣工日 |2023.05.20〜2023.11.26
写真家 |Federico Vespignani
デザイン|NI&Co. Architects+Project EN
「DEFRAGMENTATION」は、展覧会のテーマ「TIME SPACE EXISTENCE」に沿ったサイトスペシフィックな空間である。⽇本とは異なる⽂化的背景を読み取り、その場所でしか成し得ない空間をデザインした。展⽰会場は 11 世紀後半に建てられた歴史的建造物であり、個⼈所有の宮殿として利⽤されたのち、第⼆次世界⼤戦までは⺠間のアパートとして利⽤され、現在はヨーロッパ⽂化センターの所有となっている。
'DEFRAGMENTATION' is a site-specific space,
along with the theme of the exhibition: 'TIME SPACE EXISTENCE'.
This exhibition room has a chimney peeking through the opening, a minimal opening representing the person that used to live there, a dormer roof symbolizing the attic, a niche that remains as an afterimage of the previous spatial composition, and difference in level to keep the ceiling height, such as the light leaking from the top-light of the next room etc., historic traces are left in this existing space.
They have installed an "intangible roof" at a height of approximately 1 meter from the floor in order to extract these fragment elements and reorganize them into a space with new values. The roof has an ambivalent character, as it reveals the essences of the existing space that has lost its context, while at the same time it serves to converge the fragmented elements into a new context. Visitors can see a daily landscape above the roof, and the absence of context is evident. On the other hand, the fragmented elements are abstracted under the roof and a new context is formed. Through this roof, the visitors will recognize a new territory within the fragments.